I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can get so discouraged as a mom when it comes to teaching my kids to live outside of themselves.
My husband and I work daily to instruct, reprove and train our children. We want so much for their hearts to be Christ-centered and not self-centered.
And in a country where ME is central, this is a very difficult task. Our efforts are continually thwarted by the world.
Maybe if I could put my kids in a little box and only let them out to eat occasionally…hmmmm…
Here’s the thing…we want our kids to be wholly devoted to the Lord. And as a result, out of the overflow from their hearts, they would love and serve others. And they wouldn’t live their lives wrapped up in themselves…they wouldn’t grow up to be typical Western, entitled, indulgent, rebellious teenagers and adults.
But here’s the other thing (the reality in which I live)…by the time my kids get home from school, get their homework completed, eat dinner, go to swim practice, go to church activities, (and on and on) they barely have time to play outside and be a kid, much less have time to add on extra service projects and other similar activities that would occupy one more night.
I had no idea that life would become so busy. (life was so simple when they were babies…I just wish I would have realized it!!)
But, The Cupcake Kids has provided a wonderful opportunity to get our kids involved in a ministry that we are passionate about. It gets them excited about raising money to give to SixtyFeet. It gives them the chance to work hard to accomplish a purpose. It gets them involved in praying for the imprisoned children, for whom these cupcakes are sold.
It gets them doing Kingdom work.
And I have no doubt that this is shaping their hearts.
This summer, my family and I have the amazing opportunity to go to live Uganda for 5 weeks and work for SixtyFeet. Besides the fact that I’m ecstatic about being back in Uganda to minister to these precious children, I am thrilled upon thrilled to have our children there with us…and for them to meet the children for whom they’ve prayed, baked, cleaned up mixing bowls and cupcake tins, and sold baked goods…to serve those children, love on them and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Have you signed up yet for {Inter}National Cupcake Kids Day yet? I promise you, it will be so worth your while.
Can’t do your sale on May 5th? You can do a cupcake stand any time of the year. And you don’t even have to limit your sales to cupcakes! We’ve sold brownies, African-shaped sugar cookies, and even hot dogs, chips and sodas. Let your creative juices flow!
And get signed up today! Nothing would make me happier than to see this entire map of the US, decked out in pink.
I know, I know…having a cupcake sale with your kids isn’t entirely life-altering for them. But these little things will eventually sink in…and add up…and ultimately shape their hearts for the glory of God.