Today’s post comes courtesy of our friend Christen Fortner of
Just over a year ago God used one seemingly random mouse click to completely turn our family’s world upside down (or maybe right side up!).
Shortly before stumbling upon the Sixty Feet website I had been praying that God would break my heart for what breaks His and He didn’t pull any punches. The words imprisoned and children do not belong in the same sentence and after reading The Story I was immediately broken. We no longer could say we didn’t know, close our eyes and pretend these kinds of things weren’t happening.
This past September my husband and I were blessed with the opportunity to travel to Uganda to serve along side Sixty Feet. We visited these prisons and we saw that the pain, suffering, and difficulties these children face are real but more than that we saw hope. God is there in these prisons and these beautiful children are not forgotten. The gospel is being preached, He is changing hearts, and redeeming lives. Many of these young men and women have such a strong faith and vibrant love for Jesus that it was amazing to see. With what appeared as having all the odds against them and facing unimaginable hardships everyday they had an incomprehensible joy that you could see spread across their face. Worshiping with these brothers and sisters inside a hot and dirty prison was truly one of the most humbling experiences I have ever had.
We are now blessed to call the Sixty Feet board and team on the ground friends. The love, transparency, and sacrifice we have seen displayed is incredibly encouraging. God is using this ministry and He is doing amazing work and one beautiful way is through the simplicity of cupcakes.
Last year, we had the opportunity to hold our own Cupcake Kids Sale in our area and get our friends, family, and even complete strangers involved. We were already holding a big garage sale to raise funds to start our families personal adoption from Uganda and thought this was a great opportunity for the kids set up a tent and tables in the grass. We spread the word ahead of time and many friends baked us cupcakes to sell. We had friends and family come and buy cupcakes but also were able to share with many strangers who stopped by to see what was going on. God blessed our efforts and our little sale raised almost $600.00!
What I love about this idea is that it’s such a tangible way to get our children serving. My daughter knows about Uganda, loves to look at pictures and we pray for the children half a world away but to have something she can help with makes it very real for her. We are planning and looking forward to this years big sale on May 5th, and what is so exciting is to know that kids across the country and even across the world, will be doing the same thing. Will you join us?