Today’s post is by our dear friend, Gwen Oatsvall. Gwen and Suzanne are the founders of 147 Million Orphans, a ministry created to care for the orphan through many programs, as well as help adopting families underwrite the cost of their adoptions. Thank you, Gwen, for joining with us in our efforts to care for the imprisoned children in Uganda!
I am honored to know Joy, Shelly, and Colleen !!! These 3 women are just a few of the many people God has blessed Suzanne and me with over the years of serving the hurting children of the world !!!
Their organization is called CUPCAKEKIDS.ORG and its mission is powerful … “little people with big hearts for God and the imprisoned children of Africa.” EMPOWERING our children to dream big and help even bigger is a blessing on so many levels … Just like 147’s “Donate your birthday program,” we have a desire to motivate our children to begin making a difference NOW … Helping them to use their talents to make a difference in another child’s life … A child much like themselves !!!
Jesus said that we all need child-like faith … You see children don’t see a box not to be climbed out of … They don’t see the obstacles before them … They don’t feel the heavy burden of the task … THEY SIMPLY DREAM OF PUTTING A SMILE ON A CHILD’S FACE !!! They see a need and are determined to meet it … I love the way a child goes about serving with a pure heart and a zest to make life better for someone else !!!
Allow your child to love on another child that is hurting and vulnerable … Empower and Encourage them to find their way to support a brother or sister around the world … Loving each other makes the world a much brighter place to be … And if we teach them now then when they grow older serving will be a part of their life always … What better blessing to give your child than the heart to serve !!!
THANKS JOY, SHELLY, AND COLLEEN for leading the way … hugs, 147 Moms !!!