Our dear friend and long-time supporter, Tricia Claus, get’s the spotlight this week on The Cupcake Kid’s blog. She’s going to share about her sale she had bright and early this morning…and it wasn’t all about cupcakes!
Waking up….changing your focus….turning your vision.
This is not a deep thoughts confession here. My family simply wanted to help raise money for Sixty Feet. The upcoming Cupcake Sale may not be an option for us this year, because of some family obligations later in the Spring. We thought about what we could do in the near future.
Years ago, a local coffee shop offered free expresso shots the weekend of the Spring Forward time change. Brilliant! We all needed an extra dose of caffeine that Monday morning, trudging into our workplaces with heavy eyes having one hour less sleep under our belts.
So, our family is planning a coffee/muffin stand near the entrance of our neighborhood on Monday morning March 12 so commuters can contribute to Sixty Feet as they get their coffee and carbohydrate fix.
As Easter approaches, reflect on how Jesus got Mary Magdalene to change her focus in the garden after his resurrection:
Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”)…Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” … John 20:16,18.
I learned once that “turned” in that particular context could mean to turn one’s self from one’s course of conduct or to change one’s mind, not just physically turning your body. What a wake up call for Mary!
Let us focus on Christ so we can tell others “I have seen the Lord!” Let’s wake up, and get outside of ourselves to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Africa.
And don’t forget to drink an extra cup of coffee Monday morning!
Tricia called me this morning to share that she and her family raised $290 for the precious imprisoned children in Uganda!
Thanks so much, Tricia and family, for supporting SixtyFeet and The Cupcake Kids in such a creative (and much needed) way!
One thought on “It’s Not All About Cupcakes”
Diversity, that is what these times are all about…..what a great idea. Thank you for sharing it Tricia. $290.00 all for His Glory, that is such a Blessing.