I was sitting in church the other day during the offering. I couldn’t help but watch the daughter of a dear friend of mine. She was wrestling with her coin purse so she could put her change in the offering basket. She couldn’t get the zipper open…the coins fell on the floor…the basket passed her by…You know that was a big deal to this precious 5-year-old! And, can’t you just see God smiling down from heaven watching this precious daughter of His, wanting to give what she has for His Kingdom? So sweet!
Now, you may think the moral of this story is about God loving a cheerful giver (which He does!) or giving sacrificially (which He wants us to!). But it’s not. It’s about coin purses. Cute, cupcake ones, in fact.
The Cupcake Mamas met a new friend at the Created for Care conference a couple of weeks ago, Debbie Miller. Deb was about to jump out of her skin when she found out that we love all things cupcake! She works for a great company, Thirty-One, and remembered that they are carrying an adorable cupcake coin purse this season! Deb was so gracious and immediately knew that she wanted to help support The Cupcake Kids and SixtyFeet by giving a portion of her sales of these cupcake coin purses to The Cupcake Kids (which will directly go to SixtyFeet).
So, check it out and next time you go to church to pay your tithe, bring it in your cupcake coin purse! They are all the rage!